Tag Archives: personal

Bueller, Bueller…


I know I am dating myself by referencing this, but do you remember in the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when a teacher is taking attendance in class and calling out, “Bueller, Bueller” with no answer until someone says, “Um, he’s sick”?

I bring that iconic scene to mind as I think of the call of Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-10). God called to Samuel three times: “Samuel, Samuel…” But Samuel did not answer God. He was off seeing if it was the priest Eli calling him. Finally, Eli realized it was God calling Samuel. So when God called Samuel a fourth time, “Samuel, Samuel…” Samuel responded to him, “Speak, for your servant hears” as Eli had told him to.

Are we listening when God calls us? Are we going to others instead? Are we ready when we do hear him and he has a task in mind for us? These are all questions we need to ask ourselves on a daily basis and then do what we can to be better listeners and followers of God.

One blessing that I hear in this story of Samuel is that God knew Samuel by name and was not just randomly calling people. He was calling Samuel personally. And he is calling you by name to follow his will in a very specific-to-you way. Be the best “you” you can be for God.

One of Many

one of many

A friend on Facebook posted a picture he took of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris. Nice, simple, close-up snapshot. Then he turned his camera around and took a picture of the masses of people waiting behind him to get that same snapshot.

Kind of puts things in perspective, huh? We are not alone on this journey through life … and on our journey through faith. The Bible mentions that masses of people would often follow Jesus wherever he went, seeking just to see him or touch his robe (see Matthew 4:25; Matthew 8:1; Matthew 14:35-36). Jesus could not have a close-up talk with every single person on earth in his lifetime. But that still does not change the fact that he loves each one of us dearly and died and rose for each one of us that we might be with him forever.

The thought of masses of people streaming toward Jesus reminds me too of favorite lines in the song “Alleluia to Jesus,” by Carl Schalk, which was sung at my father’s funeral. The lyrics envision all those who have passed away climbing Jacob’s ladder to heaven: “Many millions have climbed it, have reached Zion’s hill, and thousands by faith are climbing it still.” The most memorable line for me comes toward the end: “And remember each step, that by faith we pass o’er, some prophet or martyr hath trodden before.” We are in good and faithful company, blessed by God to reach the goal of heaven through the path Christ opened for us and for all. There is joy in being one of many. God’s love graciously goes far beyond ourselves, but is far more personal than looking face-to-face at the Mona Lisa.