Several days into the New Year, without fail, gyms, rec centers and fitness classes are filled with people. Exercise is #1 on almost every person’s New Year’s resolutions list. And all establishments that cater to exercise reap the benefits, at least at this time of year.
Then in a few months, the number of visitors and attendees will begin to trail off, like clock work. We are a fickle people and a people who don‘t keep up with their promises on things like this that take extra work and more pain and added time to our days.
Thank God that he is not like that with us. He commits to us and sticks with us and continues to exercise his role in our lives from day to day and year to year. He will never get tired or weary of us. He will not back out of a relationship with us because it is painful or more work or takes a lot of time. He loves us regardless of how we look or what we have done. He loves us because we belong to him and we are his own. Our membership in his family will never run out.