But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. Psalm 73:2
On my walks in the morning, I am finding that no matter how hard I try not to, I will always trip a little at some point on a crack in the sidewalk or a twig on the cement or on uneven ground. But invariably, after a few seconds of imbalance and then righting myself, I am able to continue walking.
Which got me to thinking: What trips us up on our walk of faith? The most obvious is probably temptations from the devil that can stop us in our tracks toward God and make us stumble in our commitment to him. But God has given us the strength not to fall down into temptation but to get back up and move forward in our path toward an even greater belief in him.
Sometimes what trips us up is our own egos or our sense that we can walk through life all by ourselves. But we are reminded again and again that we can do all things only through him who gives us strength. We cannot save ourselves. We need the presence of God to lead us and guide us where he wants us to go.
We can also get tripped up by doubts and fears that try to knock us down. But the Bible tells us over and over never to doubt or fear because God sent us Jesus to open the way to heaven for us through his death and resurrection so that our future is certain and secure, no matter what is attempting to trip us up currently.
So enjoy your walk of faith today. God will never let you lose your footing.