
Thanksgiving gathering

During this Thanksgiving week, my thoughts turn to a choral piece I had the privilege of singing at a pastor’s ordination recently. The song is “Ubi Caritas.” It is a Latin work sung a cappella in four parts. Translated, the words of the first half of the composition mean, “Where charity and love are, God is there. The love of Christ has gathered us together. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

To me, that is what the focus of our Thanksgiving gatherings should be: the love of Christ. While the food preparation is important, of course, the love we share with one another through Christ should be first on any menu for the day. Rejoice in the bonds of friends and family. Be glad in the experiences we have had in unity with each other. Celebrate that the love of Christ covers over a multitude of missteps along the way. There should great joy around the tables of all who meet in the Lord’s name. Yea, Lord, let it be so.

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