Rubber Ducks

rubber duck

Do you know that there is a new trend called Jeep ducking? It started during the pandemic and entails owners of Jeep Wranglers placing rubber ducks on the hoods of other Jeep Wranglers. Jeep Wrangler owners then place these rubber ducks on the dashboards of their vehicles. I have seen one Jeep on my street with about ten ducks in the window. The woman who started the trend, Allison Parliament of Ontario, Canada, said, “It was an act of kindness, a healing of sorts, as well as recognition of and greeting to a fellow Jeep owner.”

The phenomenon makes me think of how we can greet and recognize and support fellow Christians. Did you see someone carrying out an act of kindness today? Maybe think about giving them a smile or a wave. We need all the encouragement we can get in our Christian walk, and one way we can do that is to acknowledge one another when we see them and support them in their efforts in some sort of fun, uplifting way. Perhaps you can always have some John 3:16 coins from Creative Communications on hand to hand out to fellow Christians. Or maybe it is a thumbs up or a “Good going!” to any brothers and sisters in Christ you may encounter on your journey of faith. Jeep’s current motto is “Go Anywhere. Do Anything.” It is a reminder to us that Jesus told us to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). And it reminds us that “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). So get out there and go and do in Christ’s name.

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