For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15
After many years, I finally got some new shoes. I was impressed with how much cushion and support my new shoes have compared to my old, worn-down, worn-out pairs that I had been suffering along with for so long.
It seems funny to me that shoes are mentioned as a vital part of the armor of God in Ephesians 6. Why are shoes so important? They are important because they protect our feet, they keep us balanced and they make us stand firm and ready for the challenges ahead.
Why, then, does the Bible associate shoes with peace? The peace we have with God is like a good pair of shoes because it gives us comfort and support, it gives us confidence that we can move forward in our journey of faith, and it protects from any obstacles in our path to unity with God through Christ.
Think about the peace we have with God whenever you put on your shoes today, and see what impact God’s peace has on your approach to the world.