And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
“What do you want for Christmas?“ we ask our children and one another in these weeks of December. But later, perhaps in hushed tones, we say to each other with compassion in our voices: “What do you need?” The difference between what we want and what we need can be quite shocking. God is the only one who really knows what we absolutely need, regardless of what we tell him we want. Even in this Christmas season, when we say that dreams comes true, the reality is that not everything we want is actually what God sees that we need.
That is not to say that we are deprived. The gifts that God supplies us come from “his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” We are made rich in Jesus through his birth among us and the forgiveness, love, peace and joy he brings that we are in need of most of all. In the end, all we really need is Jesus. Our every need is found in him.