Echoes of Pickleball


On my morning walks, I can hear the sounds of pickleball in the park near my house. The pop of the ball hitting the paddles and the courts seems to echo throughout the block, along with the the yelps, cheers and laughter of the players, even when I am blocks away.

Since the pickleball courts are rather new and are very popular, the echoes of pickleball-playing are something that has caught my attention. “I wonder what all the fuss is about?” “It sure sounds like they are having fun,” “I should go over there and check this out.”

Which brings me to the Christian application. What sounds coming from our churches can attract the attention of passersby? Maybe it is a choir singing. Maybe it is hearty laughter coming from a picnic after worship. Or maybe it is people praying the Lord’s Prayer together.

How can you “let your light shine” in the world that ”others may see your good works and praise your Father who is in heaven”? (Matthew 5:16).

All it may take is an echo of something uplifting that may ping in someone’s ear and bring them to the house of the Lord. Be that ping, that joyful noise, that permeating happy beat that draws a crowd for Christ.

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