A Merry Little Christmas

little Christmas 2

”Have yourself a merry little Christmas,” I say to you today, in the words of that familiar song. Why the word little? Perhaps it is because we each have our own personal ways of celebrating in our individual families. Maybe it is because our celebration is just one of millions taking place in homes all over the world. Or it might be that the first Christmas was very little: just Mary, Joseph and the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay in a stable hidden behind a small-town Bethlehem inn. Not many people knew about this miraculous birth when it happened. But soon word would spread through angels and shepherds and wise men. And we are glad today that the news has come to us that a Savior has been born to little ol’ you and to little ol’ me, and that is the bigggest news there ever could be. Ponder that in your heart today.

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