Is your tree up yet? Are you even putting up a tree this year? The Christmas tree has become a hallmark of the Christmas season. I recently watched a news segment on the tree that was chosen to be placed in Rockefeller Center this year. It came from a yard in a Massachusetts town, where it had been growing to its gigantic height for the last 30 years. This year was its time to shine. The lighting of that tree took place on Dec. 5. It now brings joy to the entire city of New York.
My tree’s story is not that dramatic. I went to Lowe‘s and bought mine 14 years ago, which was the first Christmas in my new house. It has lost some of its luster and the lights that came with it no longer work, but I have a special place in my heart for it because of its history. I use new lights for it now and have added new ornaments to it every year. It brings me that “Christmas feeling” each year.
Whether artificial or real, your Christmas tree has a story too. Think about the story of your tree when you put it up (or just think about past trees you have put up if you are not having one this year). The stories of our Christmas trees are a way for us to enter into the story of the birth of Christ. His story is a part of us. His story shines bright for us. His story has special meaning to us. The “Christmas feeling” that I get when Luke 2 is read in church on Christmas Eve is beyond any other feeling of the season. And rightly so. No tree can save us, except the tree of Christ’s cross. That is why he was born away in a manger.