Then he said to them all, “If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23
I have been on a mission to read more daily devotionals and listen to daily podcasts on a Scripture verse. Like with anything, it comes easily at first, but then I have noticed that other distractions get in the way. “I have to take a shower before I do a devotion.” “I have too much work to do to listen to a podcast today.” “I have a TV show I want to watch instead.” So I have fallen behind. With the Holy Spirit’s help I hope to get back on track this week and carve out time for spiritual meditation on a daily basis.
At the same time, I am sticking to my personal commitment to walk every day, no matter what. How am I keeping that up? I think it is because I do it right away in the morning before any other distractions hit. I also am accountable to my trainer, who will ask me if I walked every day this week. And I do see results. I have lost 15 pounds in the process, for instance.
Some of these same motivators could help in daily focusing on God. I can do the devotion or podcast right away in the morning. I can have someone keep me accountable for doing the meditations. And I can be on the lookout for ways in which what I thought about in my spiritual moments positively affected my attitude toward others, my approach to work and my desire to serve.
My prayer continues to be that I be a daily disciple for Christ, and I hope the same for you.