That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. Luke 24:13-14
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the Walk to Emmaus. In it, we read that two disciples of Jesus are walking back home to Emmaus on the night of the first Easter after a very eventful visit to Jerusalem, to put it mildly. The One they had been following had been arrested, convicted, tortured and killed on the cross. Their hopes were dashed. You could say they were sulking home.
But then the risen Jesus walked with them, but they did not know it was him. He told the entire salvation story to them. Perhaps this gave them a little spring in their step. They invited this “stranger” into their home for a meal to presumably hear more from him. Then Jesus broke the bread for dinner. They knew it was him right then, just as he disappeared from their sight.
The story in many ways is a mirror of our walk of faith. We start our walk wondering what is really going on in this sometimes crazy and confusing world of ours. Then through his Word, Jesus provides us with the meaning of life we so crave, and in the end Jesus dwells with us where we are, and though we cannot see him now, we know he is our crucified and risen Lord and Savior.
It is our turn to go and tell others about our ”Emmaus walk,“ as these disciples did, when they returned to Jerusalem and said to the Eleven: “The Lord has risen indeed!” (Luke 24:34). Our faith walk is the best walk we will ever take.