I was recently made aware of a term that was new to me: sitzprobe. For those of us who are not “theater people,” a sitzprobe (from the German for seated rehearsal) is a rehearsal where the singers sing with the orchestra for an upcoming performance, focusing attention on integrating the two groups. It is often the first rehearsal where the orchestra and singers rehearse together. It is a time for the actors and the musicians to become familiar with each other, to gel, to know where they are going next in a particular song or scene.
I find this idea of a sitzprobe interesting in the context of work life. At some point, we, in our jobs, need to know what our fellow coworkers are doing so that we can in the best possible ways work together to meet our goals. In business speak, this is called synergy.
We in the church can quite often be guilty of siloing, working independently of one another without knowing what our fellow followers in the faith are doing. We get a hint of what siloing looks like in ministry when John comes to Jesus and says, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you” (Luke 9:48).
Jesus does not want his followers to work separately from one another. We wants us to sitzprobe, if you will. Work together. Find ways in which you can harmonize your efforts to make the message of the Gospel dramatically come alive for an audience of unbelievers and doubters and critics. We can do so much more together than separately for the Lord. Start blending your God-given talents today to bring people to their feet in praise of God’s goodness in Jesus.